Mr. GooDoo Ocean Breeze
Breeze fragrance car perfumer
- Practical fragrance for the office, home and diverse environments
- Scented gum
- Made in Italy
Mr. GùGù is the cute MA-FRA lucky charm owl made as a car perfume, but not only! Mr.
In fact, GùGù is also a practical perfume for the office, home and various environments.
A colorful scented rubber perfumer made of the latest materials resistant to high and low temperatures.
Mr. Gù Gù is a car air freshener that is innovative in shape and design, completely Made in Italy from the creativity to the finished product.
Mr. GùGù, in orange coloring to the fragrance "Eucalyptus," is a car deodorant that comes from the spicy notes of cinnamon and orange, which make up a warm and sparkling scent.
Its orange color is emblematic of harmony and vitality.
Its spicy scent and orange color are suitable for those on the hunt for a new inner harmony, a new way of observing their vitality.
Mr. Goofy - Eucalyptus is on sale at Mafra shop
The product is not classified as hazardous according to the CLP regulation