Privacy Policy

The protection of personal data is important to Ma-Fra S.p.A. This policy provides detailed information about the protection of your personal data. We are responsible as Data Controller for collecting and processing your personal data in connection with our activities. The purpose of this document is to inform you, in particular, about which of your data we process, the purposes for which we process and share it, how long we keep it, what your rights are, and how you can exercise them.

Please read carefully our Privacy Policy, which applies in any case in which you access the website and decide to browse through it and use its services, regardless of the purchase of products we also ask you to take a look at it and check it carefully periodically in order to check for any updates or revisions that may be necessary.

We process your data to handle orders that come in on our e-commerce and for advertising and marketing purposes, managing the sending of information via email.

We value the trust of our users when they offer us access to their personal information, Data Protection is our priority. We recommend that you read this "Privacy Policy" carefully.

Information art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016

Data controller

The owner of the processing of data collected through this site is MA-FRA S.p.A. VAT No. 02916980960, based in Baranzate (MI), Via Aquileia 44/46 (hereafter: "MA-FRA"): it independently decides on the purposes and methods of processing, as well as on the security procedures to be applied to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data.

Optional or mandatory nature of providing data

Providing MA-FRA with your personal information that is requested on the various collection occasions may be necessary for the pursuit of the purposes identified in the appropriate policy, or optional.

The compulsory or optional nature of the provision is specified from time to time - with reference to the individual information requested - at the time of the individual data collection, by affixing an appropriate character (*) to the information of a compulsory nature. Any refusal to communicate to MA-FRA certain of your data marked as mandatory makes it impossible to pursue the main purpose of the specific collection: such refusal may, for example, result in MA-FRA being unable to execute the contract for the purchase of products on the website or to provide the other services available on the website.

On the other hand, the provision to MA-FRA of further data, other than those marked as essential is optional and does not entail any consequences with regard to the pursuit of the main purpose of the collection (e.g., as the case may be, the use of the website and its services or the purchase of products).

Which of your personal data do we process

Data we collect:

- Last name, first name

- E-mail address

- Date of birth

- IP address

- Connection and navigation data

At the time of data collection, the mandatory or optional nature of the data is specified with an asterisk.

Some data are collected automatically when you enter the site.

Specifically, the personal data collected are your e-mail address, zip code, and the choices you have indicated for receiving commercial information.

We require your date of birth to ensure that you are of age.

Ways in which we collect data:

  • E-commerce site registration form
  • Newsletter subscription
  • Landing pages
  • Surveys delivered via email and web
  • Cookies

Among the information we can receive in an automated way are confirmation of opening our emails and purchasing behaviors.

We may receive additional automatic data information such as: your IP address, searches that users perform on the Web site, or interaction with ads when you contact us through social network sites or third-party advertisers.

In case personal data is collected through cookies, you will be duly informed through the Cookie Policy.

We never ask for personal data about your racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, or data concerning your sexual orientation unless required by a legal obligation.

It is understood, that where we should, however, also process such data in other cases, we will provide you with specific information and acquire your explicit consent.

Purpose of data use

Data provided to Mafra are processed only for specified, explicit and legitimate reasons. MAFRA will process your personal data, mainly by manual and electronic means, will make it accessible to its employees and collaborators, specifically appointed to process it, and to the companies in the MAFRA group , and will be communicated to entities that perform services of a commercial nature on behalf of MAFRA (e.g., data entry, transport and assembly, companies that provide IT services, including hosting services), duly appointed as data processors.


We process your personal data to carry out, provide and improve the services we offer to our customers. These purposes include:

  • Purchase and delivery of products and services: we use your personal information to receive and process orders, provide products and services, process payments, and communicate with you regarding your orders, products, services, and promotional offers.
  • Provide and improve our services and resolve any issues related to them: we use your personal data to provide functionality, analyze performance, correct errors, and improve the use and efficiency of our services.
  • Fulfilling legal obligations: in some cases we are required by law to collect and process your personal information. For example, we collect information from third-party vendors regarding their location and bank account for identification and other purposes.
  • Communicating with you: we use your personal information to communicate with you regarding our services, products, and events through various channels (e.g., via telephone, e-mail, and chat).
  • Promotional communications: we use your personal information to send you newsletters regarding products and services that may be of interest to you, conduct statistical surveys and market research.
  • Purposes for which we ask your consent: we may also ask for your consent to process your personal data for specific purposes that we will notify you of. When you consent to our processing of your personal data for a specific purpose, you may revoke your consent at any time, in which case we will stop processing your data for that purpose.

Specific treatments that require your consent

In some cases, we may require your consent to process your data, for example, in the case of:

Profiling: to process your personal data in order to identify specific behaviors and habits of yours, thus having a way to improve our products and services and offer you offers in line with your preferences

The information thus obtained will allow MAFRA, as mentioned above, to create profiles (individual and/or aggregated), to process market and statistical analyses also to improve MAFRA's products and services and make them more responsive to the needs of its customers, as well as to send you - always and only with your consent - information and offers that are more targeted and that may be, in MAFRA's opinion , of your greater liking and interest. Should you not want our Company to use your data for this purpose, you may at any time change your consent to profiling by changing your profile settings on the MAFRA website or by contacting the references indicated in this Policy .

Marketing activities: with your consent, MA-FRA S.p.A. may proceed to carry out statistical surveys, market research and promotion and sale of products and services of MAFRA and third party companies, These activities may be carried out through traditional methods of contact (Mailing list)


Withdrawal of consent to data processing carried out by MA-FRA using automated contact methods will be understood as extending to all contact methods, unless you specify otherwise.

Data retention

We retain your personal information to enable you to use Our Services on an ongoing basis for as long as necessary to pursue the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, as required by law for example for tax and accounting purposes or as otherwise disclosed to you. For example, We retain transaction history so that you can review the purchases you have made (and repeat orders if you wish) and to which addresses you have requested orders be shipped, as well as to improve the suitability of the products and content We recommend.

We retain your data only if you so desire. You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion and opposition of your personal data at any time at the e-mail address:

External data controllers

According to the current situation, the following companies linked to MA-FRA, the owner of data processing, by agreements for order processing and system operation will be responsible for processing your personal data:

  • TNT Global Express S.p.A.

Registered Office: Corso Giulio Cesare, 268 - 10154 Turin - Italy

In particular, TNT is in charge of processing the data necessary to perform the shipping, delivery and return activities of products purchased on our site.

  • Enterprise Consulting S.r.l.

Registered Office: Viale Marconi, 122 - 65127 Pescara - Italy

Specifically with Enterprise-consulting we share our customer data for marketing activities aimed at our consumer customers.

To obtain a complete list of the data processors who process your data, please contact MA-FRA by sending an email to the following email address : We encourage you to read this section periodically to check for any changes in the data processors listed above.

Your rights

You always have the right to obtain from MA-FRA confirmation of the processing or not of personal data concerning you, even if not yet registered, and their communication in intelligible form. You also have the right to obtain from MA-FRA information about the origin of your personal data; the purpose and method of the processing of your personal data; the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments; the identification details of the data controller and data processors; and the indication of the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of it in their capacity, for example, as data processors. All this information is contained in this Privacy Policy. In addition, you always have the right to obtain from MA-FRA:

 (a) the updating, rectification, integration of your personal data

b) the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of your personal data processed in violation of the law, including data whose retention is not necessary in relation to the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;

c) certification that the operations referred to in letters a) and b) have been brought to the attention, also as regards their content, of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except where this proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.

You have, however, the right to object in whole or in part:

  • a) for legitimate reasons, to the processing of personal data concerning you, even if relevant to the purpose of collection;
  • b) to the processing of personal data about you for the purpose of sending advertising or direct marketing material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication.

You may freely exercise your rights at any time, by written request addressed to MA-FRA at the postal address or at the e-mail address, to which we will promptly reply. To ensure that your personal information is always accurate, up-to-date, relevant and complete, please notify us at: privacy@dev.mafra.itognichange occurred.

The above are the minimum information that MA-FRA is obliged to provide you with: for any further information regarding MA-FRA's processing of your personal data, please read the Privacy Policy in its entirety at

How we ensure the security of personal data

The security of your personal information is most important to MAFRA

We use technologies appropriate to the current state of the art. Our web page is saved on secure servers protected against the most usual types of attacks. However, we remind you that there is no such thing as invulnerable technology, so you should use the means that are available to you to maintain the level of security of your data. We especially recommend that you use strong passwords to access your account. We also recommend that you change your password fairly frequently (at least once a year) and that in the event of any suspicion that a third party may know your password, arrange to change it immediately.

Our Privacy Policy at a Glance

The principles on which our privacy policy is based are as follows:

  • 1. process data exclusively for the purposes and in the manner outlined in the information presented at the time of its collection;
  • 2. use the data for purposes other than those for which the data were specifically released only where the user's express consent is present;
  • 3. to make data available to third-party companies only for purposes instrumental to the provision of the requested service and as part of an appointment as a data processor; not to disclose the data, assign or transfer them to third parties for their own processing without users having been informed in advance and having granted their consent;
  • 4. respond to requests for deletion, modification, integration of data provided, opposition to the processing of data for the purpose of sending commercial information and advertising;
  • 5. ensure the proper and lawful management of data, safeguarding the privacy of users, as well as apply appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the data conferred.

How and why we process your personal data

The processing on personal data is carried out with mainly electronic and telematic methods by MA-FRA and other subjects who, appropriately selected as to reliability and competence, carry out operations instrumental to the pursuit of the purposes strictly related to the use of the website, its services and the purchase of products through the website (see below, paragraph "Subjects who may process your personal data").

The specific purposes for which the data are processed are summarized, from time to time, in the Art. 13 notice of the European Regulation 679/2016, which is presented to the user when releasing personal data.

In general, data are processed for the provision of the following services available by accessing our site:

  • 1. registration to the site, to use the relevant services;
  • 2. membership in specific and additional services;
  • 3. order fulfillment and related activities;
  • 4. handling your inquiries: technical, commercial, about the progress of your orders, and inquiries in a broad sense;
  • 5. making contact with our service contacts.

When processing data that can, directly or indirectly, identify you, we try to adhere to a principle of strict necessity. For this reason, we have configured the site in such a way that the use of your personal data is kept to a minimum: therefore, the processing of your data is excluded when the purposes pursued in individual cases can be achieved by the use of anonymous data (as, for example, in market research aimed at improving services) or by other means that allow the data subject to be identified only in cases of necessity or at the request of the authorities and the police (as, for example, for data on traffic and your stay on the website or your IP address).

Your data will be communicated to third parties only with your express consent, except in cases where the communication is obligatory by law or is necessary for purposes envisaged by law for the pursuit of which the data subject's consent is not required; in such cases, the data may be made available to third parties who will process them independently and solely for the aforementioned purposes (for example, in the case of a request made by the police or the judiciary or other competent bodies or to perform obligations arising from the contract concluded with you).

Any processing purpose other than the specific purpose for which you have provided your personal information will be highlighted in the notice and will be pursued by MA-FRA only after obtaining your express consent.

There are, however, processing operations for which the regulations provide for the exclusion of consent: for example, we inform you that MA-FRA may process your personal data without obtaining your consent when this is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation or when it is necessary to execute the obligations contractually undertaken towards you (as in the case in which you have purchased products or have requested to use specific services through our site).

It may happen that MA-FRA finds itself processing personal data of third parties communicated directly by its users: for example, in the case where the user has purchased a product to be delivered to a friend, or when the person who pays the price for the purchase of the product is different from the person for whom the product is intended, or even when the user intends to refer a friend to a service or the offer for sale of a particular product.

On these occasions, related to any case in which a user was found to be processing personal data of third parties, this party will be solely and exclusively responsible for the disclosure of information and data related to third parties without their consent or for any incorrect or unlawful use of such data.

We may also have to share your information to fulfill legal or regulatory obligations or in the event that our business (or part of it) is sold and the buyer needs your personal information to complete services.

Our site uses automatic data collection systems that are not directly issued by the user, such as cookies. A cookie is a device that is transmitted to the user's hard disk; it does not contain any comprehensible information but allows us to associate the user with the personal information they have released on the site. Cookies are placed on our server and no one can access the information contained on it. Only MA-FRA processes the information collected through cookies and only in anonymous and aggregate form to optimize its services and site in relation to the specific needs and preferences of its users. We have set up cookies, for example, with regard to the functions of catalog browsing and online product purchasing.

The Internet browser allows you to delete cookies after each session. The Internet browser contains instructions on how to operate such deletion procedures. Consult it.

The acceptance of automatic data collection procedures and the use of cookies are necessary for the use of the site and its services, including the purchase of products. If you have activated the cookies deletion procedure, MA-FRA cannot guarantee that you will be able to fully view certain web pages or provide certain services, such as storing and displaying within the web pages, by you, the products you have chosen as part of the online purchasing processes.

Links to other websites

Our site contains links to other websites that may have no connection to us. MA-FRA does not control or perform monitoring operations of such websites and their contents. MA-FRA cannot be held responsible for the contents of these sites and the rules adopted by them, including with regard to your privacy and the processing of your personal data during your browsing operations. Therefore, please be careful when you connect to these sites through the links on our site and read their terms of use and privacy policies carefully. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to third-party websites. Our site provides links to these sites solely to assist you in your search and navigation and to facilitate hypertext links over the Internet to other sites. Activation of the links does not imply any recommendation or recommendation by MA-FRA for accessing and navigating these sites, nor any warranty as to their content, services or goods provided or sold by them to Internet users.

If you would like to receive more information about how MA-FRA processes your personal data, please email To learn about your rights and to stay up to date on the legislation regarding the protection of individuals with respect to the processing of personal data, we recommend that you visit the website of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data at

Applicable law

This Privacy Policy is governed by Italian law and in particular by the Code regarding the protection of personal data(Information art. 13 of the European Regulation 679/2016), which regulates the processing of personal data - also held abroad - carried out by anyone who is resident or based in Italy. The Code ensures that the processing of personal data is carried out with respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as the dignity of the person concerned, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

Changes and Updates to MA-FRA's Privacy Policy

MA-FRA may amend or simply update all or part of the site's Privacy Policy, including as changes occur in the laws or regulations that govern this matter and protect your rights. Therefore, please access this section regularly to check the publication of the most recent and updated Privacy Policy.